Sunday, September 4, 2011

AdSense Tips Master : Develop a Search Engine Friendly Website

10 Tips to Develop a Search Engine Friendly Website

If you are developing a website for your company or business with an aim to generate business from it via search engines, then you must know something about seo and how to develop a seo friendly website. In today's article, I'm going to share seo tips to help all web developers build a search engine friendly website:

 AdSense Tips Master : Develop a Search Engine Friendly Website

1. First of all you should make sure that all your website url format should be easy to remember. You should do URL rewriting to make search engine friendly url's. Search engines find it hard in indexing a website having lots of question marks and session id's etc.

2. You should make sure that each page on your website has unique title, meta keyword and meta description section. It should not be the case that some default text in used on lots of your website pages in title and meta tags section.

3. Make sure you website has the latest XML and XML sitemap available. HTML sitemaps are generally used by website readers to find your website contents and you should be using XML sitemap for search engine crawling. You can submit your XML sitemap to Google by creating an account on Google Webmaster Tools.

4. In case, your website contains some sections or URL's that you don't want search engines to index, you should create a robots.txt file in your website root folder and mention the list of url's or folders that you want to block from search engines indexing.

5. You should create a custom 404 page on your website for non existing requests. You can promote some of your website pages via 404 error page. All you have to do is suggest these pages to your website users via 404 error page.

6. Only one version of your website should be available to search engines whether its non www version or www version. Presence of both the versions on your website will distribute all pr juice in two versions and there will be content duplicacy issues within your website. So you should do search engine friendly (301) redirect from one version to second version
7. You should be making sure that one content is available on one URL only on your website. There may be instances where you are using some portion of whole text or snippet in other sections on your website.

8. Make sure, you are using heading tags properly on your website. H1 tag should not be used only once on a website. And these tags should be used in proper order in your code like h2 tag should be used after h1 tag.

9. Please crosscheck your website for all kind of broken links.

10. You should validate your website HTML and CSS for better user experience.

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About the Author
Do you want to make your website search engine friendly, contact, a professional search engine optimization consultant company based in India, serving blog promotion, link building, blog commenting services and social bookmarking services to its clients.

AdSense Tips Master : Survive from Google Panda Update

5 Tips to Survive from Google Panda Update

Till now, we were familiar only with the catchphrase 'content is the king' but now the word 'content' is been replaced by 'quality content.' Google has become more intelligent now. It has start reading only good contents now, thus leave no space for poor online materials.

 AdSense Tips Master : 5 Tips to Survive from Google Panda Update

Till now, we were familiar only with the catchphrase 'content is the king' but now the word 'content' is been replaced by 'quality content.' Google has become more intelligent now. It has start reading only good contents now, thus leave no space for poor online materials. This recent upgrade in Google is known as Google panda upgrade that was implemented on 24th February 2011. This upgrading in Goggle's recognition ability has slapped many websites and brought their ranking down in search engine result pages. If you are also being skeptic about position of your website, read on the tips which are mentioned below. It may your savior in the age when Google panda is giving entry only to the unique and quality online content.

  1. First and foremost tip to be a proud survival - follow only what Google is suggesting. If you think, your site is also affected with recent upgrade, you need to immediately evaluate the content on your site and go for the best option to improve every page on it. You can also try removing pages with low quality with some freshly written pages.

  2. If you are running a site with duplicate content, your site is never going to stand tall in front of hefty Google panda update. You should immediately remove duplicate content, as now 'uniqueness' has become more prominent word in online world.

  3. If you are confused on the part of www or non-www, you can take help of Google bots. You can add 'rel=canonical' tags to your site pages to avoid duplicate content issues on your website.

  4. If Adsense and affiliate marketing is a way out for you to make money online, be cautious. Too much advertisements on your web pages may lead you to lose ranking of your website. Now, the ranking in Goggle's search engine result page also depends on the ratio of content and advertisement.

  5. You must keep your website updating on a regular interval. If you cannot rehash every web page then you can have a smart shortcut but adding a blog section in your site. You can update a unique and nicely written blog in this section everyday. It'll help you not only in getting good search engine ranking but also getting quality numbers of visitors. You must keep in notice that fresh and unique content gets the best online visitor count. But before you add the blog section in your site, take care that the navigation of the blog hosting platform is better. It'll play a major role.

Article Source:
About the Author is a professional seo consultant company offering seo services, social media, social bookmarking, search marketing and link building services to its clients in India, US, UK and Australia

AdSense Tips Master : You Make $100 Every Day With AdSense?

AdSense Tips - How Can You Make $100 Every Day With AdSense?

Author:Mark Bellinger

You have probably heard of the AdSense publishers who make in excess of $10,000 a month as well as the big earners who make more than $100,000 a month, but wouldn't it be great just to make $100 a day from Google's brilliant AdSense program?

 AdSense Tips Master : AdSense Tips - How Can You Make $100 Every Day With AdSense?

If you are an existing AdSense publisher who is struggling to make the $100 a month payment threshold then the following tips will set you up on the road to earning that monthly 5 figure sum with AdSense.
6 Tips to Make $100 a Day With AdSense
  1. Position Ads Above the Fold The part of a web page that is visible (without having to scroll down) after it has loaded is the part that is 'above the fold'. Therefore AdSense ads that are visible above the fold are more likely to get clicked on than those that only become visible if the site visitor scrolls down the page as they are less likely to scroll down than just view what is immediately visible. In fact check out Google\'s heatmap which shows the positioning for the best performing ads.
  2. Blend Your AdsAs web surfers are becoming increasingly blind to ads your AdSense ads should be blended into the content of your site in terms of the text & background colors. If the fonts can be matched this will also increase your chances of having the ads clicked on & thereby earning you more of that much loved AdSense revenue.
  3. Best AdSense Ad SizesThe following is a list that is generally accepted as of the highest performing ad sizes... * 336×280 large rectangle * 300×250 inline rectangle * 160×600 wide skyscraper Whilst the above size ads may not always be suitable for your website or blog it is worth noting that these are the ones that out perform other AdSense ad sizes.
  4. Links Should be BlueOne of the most important factors affecting AdSense revenue is to ensure that the links are blue. Web surfers view the color blue as a sign that a link is present . The whole point of this entire process is to get people to click on your links - especially when they are attached to AdSense.
  5. Set Up ChannelsGoogle's AdSense program allows you to create channels for each ad unit which provides you with an excellent tool to compare your various ad units performance on each page.
  6. Click through Rate (CTR) Its important to monitor your CTR as it reflects the percentage of clicks generated per page impression. You can therefore compare your pages\' CTR and tweak things to improve the lower performing pages and so on.
The following formula sums up the AdSense money making model.
AdSense Revenue = Optimally Positioned, Sized & Blended Ads Traffic Volume High Paying Ads Relevant Ads
What this means is that to maximize your website\'s AdSense earning potential it needs to have all the factors optimized, for example a site with high paying ads but without traffic will not earn much whilst a site with hoards of traffic but without correctly optimized ads will likewise not do well.
So in order to hit the $100 a day mark with AdSense ensure that your site is AdSense ready.
PS. - Get these 6 AdSense Secrets to find out how you can make $500 a day with Adsense »
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About the Author
The author is continually exploring innovative ways for entrepreneurs to do business on the internet