We always remember very important thing in our mind that is we never write any thing for search engine or any other tools we always write only for people. We use the search engine or other tools are only for reach as much as people in quickest time.
When we write for our blogs we must consider following guidelines for effective blog writing.
- Short and sweet
· Use short words, to write strong, concise, informative sentences that encourage visitors to keep reading the blog's posts.
· Write every paragraph on one topic and keep them in short. In paragraph write the topic sentence or conclusion in first to catch the visitors.
- Write every thing as simple as possible.
· Keep the sentence in simple and easy means keep subject and verb close together.
· Do not use uncommon words and slang, it makes visitor understand contents quickly.
· Create headlines and subheading that have quick look content, make stories easy to read, and organise content into easy to understand chunks for grab the essence of the content quickly.
· Use the bullet lists and numbered lists, to simplify the complex contents, and organise ideas for our visitors.
- Accessible for every one in the world
We should always remember our visitors vary in age, race, gender, physical abilities, nationality, culture, sexual orientation and so on.
· Use language that is friendly, fair, and credible to everyone.
· Avoid using the gender specific pronouns.
· Optimize our blogs so that it can be accessed by the tools that disabled people use.
Do not assume that we know who is reading our blogs. Writing for every one in the world makes our contents more understandable, and reach to as many as people in the world.
Our next post is build the network -- to catch the visitors.